Jolly Christmas at Cove
Do you want to build a snowman?
Join us at our giant gingerbread house for a wintry holiday with various activities and yummy food awaitng! Don't miss a chance to catch these Frosty Highlights ❄🎄
Hot Air Balloon Ride ✨
*First come, first served. Limited slots only. Subject to weather conditions.

Join us from 6pm - 9pm and queue up for your
Jolly Highlights ❄️

& many more!

FREE Ice Cream by Wall's Malaysia*
Duration: 16th December – 30th December 2023
Location: Gamuda Cove Experience Gallery
All you have to do is:
- Like & follow Walls Malaysia and Gamuda Cove Facebook & Instagram profiles
- Snap picture of Wall's ice cream with background of Gamuda Cove Experience Gallery
- Upload the photo on your social media (FB & IG), tag @wallsmalaysia and @gamudacove, include the hashtag #WallsAtCove
Catch More Activities at The Hive ❄️

Enjoy a FREE BBQ Session @ Beach Pool Club! 🍢

Enjoy a BBQ session by the pool at Beach Pool Club!
Come over to Beach Pool Club, take a photo & upload it on your social media. Once done, show your post to our team present at the location. You will receive your BBQ ingredients to enjoy your BBQ by the pool!
*Additional terms & conditions may apply
RSVP now for festive freebies, stamp rally and workshops!*
*First-come-first-served basis.

Join our Robotic Contest 🤖
🕚 12pm - 7pm
📍 In front of Show Village
REGISTER*The robotic contest has limited slots.